"Sir, I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."
"the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."
Stephen Crane
"Masks! Masks! You must wear a mask or I might end!"
So many fears! Everyday the secular man gives tremulous expression to his many cosmically irrelevant fears. The newest is a virus, that truly must be terrifying to those who believe that we are little more than complex cattle. And how strange that some chaotic microscopic thing that merely dances about under the direction of a mindless conductor could render a man's existential claims to be nothing. Curious that it never occurs to people that every living thing must eat to stay alive, including viruses. And who are you to say that you shouldn't be food, oh you who eat a bunch of other living things that are themselves just trying to survive?
So many fears! Everyday the secular man gives tremulous expression to his many cosmically irrelevant fears. The newest is a virus, that truly must be terrifying to those who believe that we are little more than complex cattle. And how strange that some chaotic microscopic thing that merely dances about under the direction of a mindless conductor could render a man's existential claims to be nothing. Curious that it never occurs to people that every living thing must eat to stay alive, including viruses. And who are you to say that you shouldn't be food, oh you who eat a bunch of other living things that are themselves just trying to survive?
All the while, Christians seem carelessly preoccupied with remote and ethereal things, like ideas and beliefs. But of course Christians feel this way probably because they don’t understand about the science.
Said gullible Christian sheep-man Thomas McPherson, “We should take reasonable precautions against this virus, but I’m truly afraid of the postmodern Marxist secularism and identity politics of my fellow man. A virus may destroy the body, but bad ideas can destroy the soul. The Bible says, what does it profit a man if he beats the virus but loses his soul? Or at least it says something like that."
When asked by a thoroughly woke member of the secular intelligentsia whether the idea of the soul was an invention of white European men in order to enshrine his patriarchal control over minorities and women and his overlordship of the natural world, Mr. McPherson only gazed back glassy-eyed, either overwhelmed by the searing intelligence of the question, or simply stunned by encountering the platonic ideal of The Idiot! The secularist received this dumfounded silence as another victory, though from a secular perspective the victory was like beating a chimpanzee in chess, while in a virtual reality simulator created by a madman, whose home exists on a world that is about to be destroyed by a comet. Which is to say that in this convulsive dance of matter the victory is cheapened a bit.