Thursday, May 12, 2022

Questions Regarding the Matter of Abortion

1. If I identify as a woman, then can my arguments be heard? Or perhaps imagine the same arguments coming out of a woman’s mouth, because I’ve seen that happen a lot, though those women are probably not real women. But perhaps if those women identify as women, then their arguments, which are the same as mine, might be heard? 

2. Is poverty the cause of abortion, or is abortion offered as a way for already poor people to be relatively less poor? And what about all the middle class abortions? And aren't all young women poor, according to relativistic calculus? And doesn't this assume that the men should continue to have nothing to do with the decision to have the child and raise it? (Insert Dave Chappelle's joke here). Or reword this question: Has abortion created an environment in which men feel a greater responsibility for the consequences of their sexual escapades, or less?

3. If a woman who transitions to a man then marries a man and somehow gets pregnant, but then decides to get an abortion, is that then a man getting an abortion? And if that is true, then abortion rights are not merely a woman’s issue, correct?

4. Why not take men and women out of the entire enterprise of messy reproduction? Harvest eggs and sperm from people and make children in labs to fit various tasks in society. Come to think of it, that is a great book idea.

5. How are we going to keep the population pressures of the human parasite under control without abortion? I have an idea. If Roe is overturned, then the childless generation need not stop. Get more guys addicted to porn and more girls addicted to instagram. Make them afraid of intimacy and increase homosexuality and transgenderism, so that fewer will reproduce in the first place. Teach women to kill (pardon the pun) at the office and postpone having children until they can’t. "Castrate (in various ways) and bid the geldings be fruitful!" C.S. Lewis

6. Of the 60 million plus babies aborted since ‘73, I wonder how many of them would have ended up being LGBTQ? 

7. If I have to adopt to show costly concern for the babies of poor women, what do those promoting abortion as a solution to poverty have to do? How is it that all these “advocates for women” care about them enough to see that their pregnancy ends and then do nothing else for them? They accuse pro-lifers of wanting the poor woman’s poor baby born and that is the extent of their concern, but surely they just want the poor woman’s baby killed and that is the extent of their concern. It seems to me that as far as they're concerned the government can take care of all "those people."

8. If we are going to establish an arbitrary age limit before which it is acceptable to kill a child, I recommend we set the limit at 17. That would be exceedingly convenient for many parents of teens and surely would help towards appropriately engineering society. We can start by aborting all the instagram narcissists. 

9. Isn’t this good news for California, which can better express its identity as the leftist utopia it aspires to be? It can be a worldwide capital for abortion, offering to pay for the abortions of all Americans, giving out abortions like Oprah gives out cars. “You get an abortion… and you get an an abortion… and you get an abortion, you poor Texan!” "And for every fifth abortion you get a Teslaaaaaa!!!" (You can kind-of hear Oprah saying it.)

10. Finally, how many logical fallacies can one group of people repeat? My favorite hits: 

* "You don't have a uterus, so shut the hell up." (ad hominem) What in the name of all that is holy does my gender have to do with my argument?

* "Law does not require you to remain attached to a famous violinist, even if his bodily functions are dependent on you." (false analogy) How on earth is this remotely related to a mother's attachment to her child? It's a stupid analogy and anyone with half a brain knows it. 

* "Cells die all the time." (category mistake) A skin cell that sloughs off is not exactly the same thing as a unique genetic entity that, because it is a separate human person, grows and progresses through differentiation and morphogenesis. 

* "The kid will be poor." (red herring) Yes, and should we kill all kids that will be born into poverty? Or all kids that are born into the middle class that become poor? What is the required income level of the woman to whom a child can acceptably be born? What if she doesn't have dental? 

* "Human and person are not coextensive." (Appeal to authority) On whose authority should we believe this nonsense? This is the same logic as believing that sex and gender are unrelated. 

* "This is about reproductive rights and bodily autonomy and women’s rights." (equivocation) Language games are the specialist of many pseudo-intellectuals. None of these games addresses the real identity of the life within the womb. You don't possess bodily autonomy if you choose to kill a toddler in order to assert your freedom. When exactly does the developing human possess its own bodily autonomy? 

* "If you are not ready to adopt, then don’t comment." Or, "you only care about these kids before they are born." (Ad hominem) Apart from the fact that many Christians do in fact adopt, the problem here is that it again neglects the merits ot the argument and simply casts aspersions on the person asserting it. 

* "This will cause unwanted pregnancy." (False cause) There are at least two or three other causal factors in pregnancy. 

* "They will want to outlaw inter-racial marriage." (Slippery slope) In what sense does allowing the states to consider and regulate the issue of abortion have anything whatever to do with the matter of inter-racial marriage? 

* "What about rape and incest?" (Fallacy of composition) It is true that there are a small number of abortions performed for this reason, but the vast majority are not for this reason. To cast the whole as composed of the exception is a classic fallacy. 

I'm sure there are more logical fallacies, but frankly it is hard to keep up. Just report any argument from the left in favor of abortion and I'lll tell you which fallacy it is. 

I think it is manifestly true that if one is to argue on the merits, the pro-life side is winning, and that is surely the most racist and sexist thing it has ever done, because logic is a white male thing.