Time has proven that I am a prophet, probably. My students would not remember these things, but I distinctly remember predicting certain realities that would emerge from our culture's slide into secular postmodernism. Nobody calls it that, by the way. It isn't as if there is an orientation class in college called "Instructions in Proper Secular Postmodernism," or a band called "The Secular Postmodernists," about which my former students would be alerted to say to themselves, "Wait a second, my entirely prophetic teacher in high school warned me about these scalawags, these rascally secular postmodernists. It's so helpful that they have made themselves so easy to spot." No, it is so pervasive that it is water to a fish. Everyone today is intellectually oblivious to the fact that this worldview is becoming our acrid atmosphere. It's like smog to people in LA in the 80's. You breathe it in until you don't notice it. People think carbon emissions will kill us, but I am confident we are currently dying of a noxious and unquestioned ideology, an ideology incidentally that is displacing much better, older, stronger, truer ones.
And I told my students exactly the ideas to beware of! I even told them how things would go if these ideas were to gain sway over the culture.
Here is a list of the things I told them would happen:
1. Secular schools will simply choose a secular religion over Christianity and teach that. Why? Because you cannot separate religion and the state; specifically you cannot separate religion and state schooling.
Another way of saying this is that there is no "value-neutral" form of education. We are not A.I. simply crunching data. Actually, I predicted that just about anything would fill the void, so long as it could be speciously defined as "science" or "reason" or "practical education," etc. And so now we have Marxism, scientism, identity politics, socialism, and postmodern relativism, all incoherently filling the void left by Christianity in schools. It is not as if students are simply given brute facts, after which they go home to make their own decisions. No, these schools have given them a God (The Earth), unquestioned authority (scientists or leftist "experts"), sin (disrespect of individualistic identity, or harm to the planet), the devil (those of the old religious paradigm), penance (renunciation of privilege), salvation (having one's penance accepted), and heaven (a world of nebulous green and race harmony which never comes).
The end result of all this is a staggering lack of self-awareness on the part of educators in particular, but students as well. These people affirm with uncritical zeal that religion and education are a toxic brew, but then turn around and boldly claim that it is a manifest truth that capitalism, for example, produces all manner of moral problems in a society. Now, whatever your view of capitalism, surely you can see that claiming such a thing is a bald moral pronouncement. On what basis is the claim made? These same people will say that old cultures defined marriage a particular way and it produced patriarchy, but now we have evolved. And then they will, with all the severity of Jonathan Edwards, claim that their utterances are wholly grounded in authority, and that reason manifestly affirms the truth of their utterances, and that an apocalypse awaits those who don't heed! Their inability to see this glaring inconsistency compromises their ability to analyze the truth claims that matter most to humanity and make them the worst kind of religionists--namely, those that merely make claims to their authority in advancing their positions.
2. The new postmodern paradigm is offered as a solution to the evil old system of certain truth (dogmatism), and as such claims to solve conflict in the world, but paradoxically will create more conflict in the end.
You would think that telling people that everyone gets to be philosophically correct would lead to peace and harmony. Nope! The most intolerant of all people are the pharmaceutically pacified clones of the modern university and their intellectual parents. They all think exactly the same way and are ready to tear everything apart, especially anything that seems old, Christian or American. They like vintage; they just don't like old!
But I even told my students why this would happen, and it seems so obvious. If you take two minds in conflict over something, say religion, and you tell them that the truth of their beliefs is subjective, and there is nothing outside the two minds towards which they are arguing, then of course you can only be right if you shout louder or exert force or get a mob to agree with you and beat back the other view. If there is no "Truth" and there are only ephemeral "truths in minds," then argument loses its art and becomes merely an evolutionary struggle to win.
3. The new apostasy will never be viewed as such because in a postmodern world any amalgamation of ideas can live under the arbitrary label "Christian."
If Christianity is a "relationship and not a religion," then it collapses down to subjective experience. This is why so many people are offended when you try to define them out of being a Christian. There are no definitions because words are a power play, and why should anyone listen to you? And that will always be the reaction of the postmodern to an argument. He or she will become offended that you have the audacity to claim that your brand of Christianity is the correct one. You might as well be a Buddhist Christian or Muslim Christian in such a state of affairs, for there can be no contradiction in such things definitionally.