I know several Christians who love to apologize to their 1000 or more social media "friends" about the abuses of "The Christians." Remember the Starbucks red cup sound and fury, signifying nothing.
But these pseudo-intellectual Christians seize another opportunity to show how wise they are, how evolved they are as Christians, how different they are from all those "Conservative, Right-Wing Evangelical Fundamentalists." They are the new breed of Christian. You know the kind...
They don't want to offend anyone, except the vanishing minority of "backward Christians." They would much rather their unbelieving friends accept them than to have various Evangelical Christians accept them.
They fight the same fights their friends fight. They are against carbon emissions, racism, classism, sexism, income inequality, white privilege, and any hint of conservative Christian activism into anything. What they are not against is sin. That word is itself an example of micro-aggression. To use it is an effort to make oneself "better than." When was the last time you heard one of these new Christians address the sin of idolatry, or wage a war on every day materialism driven by massive consumer debt? No, they are too busy chiding "Christians" for being against red Starbucks cups, whoever these Christians are. And they are too busy trying to force income redistribution to worry about the sin of materialism in their own hearts or the hearts of their friends. After all, isn't everyone entitled to six weeks of vacation?
They really hate Westboro Baptist Church, and like to make it out that evangelical Christianity IS Westboro Baptist Church, even though Westboro has about 40 members. There are so many hasty generalizations that it is hard to keep track of them. They assume that what is true of this radical fringe is true of the whole, at least as they would like to define the whole. Then when an Evangelical points this out to them, they are pre-programmed by their liberal education to say, "Well, then, don't judge Islam by its radical fringe either." Of course the comparison is bizarre, and altogether disingenuous, since the likes of Westboro are universally condemned by the major voices in all traditions of the Christian faith. Where do we find such a unanimous voice among Muslims when it comes to outrage over apostasy laws in Muslim countries or marriage laws or laws against homosexuality? The unanimous voice in Islam over such laws is in favor of them! But it is an easy move on the part of pseudo-intellectuals to blame Christianity for the same issues that plague Islam.
They don't really attend Church, because that would require the sublimation of individual angst with "the Church" to some kind of community identity, fidelity, even conformity. And after all, "you don't need to go to Church to be saved!" One must also remember that these visionaries are the current reformers of the Church, and as such must be received as one would receive Luther or Calvin. In fact, they are superior to Luther and Calvin, because they aren't wicked Theocrats. Luther and Calvin would have forced people to use Starbucks cups, with manger scenes on them! At least liberal culture has neutered such people, making aggression into the micro variety. The only work that remains now with the micro aggressive is to silence them.
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